
lactic acid


: a chemical produced by the body in your muscles during exercise

Full Definition of LACTIC ACID

:  a hygroscopic organic acid C3H6O3 present normally especially in muscle tissue as a product of anaerobic glycolysis, produced in carbohydrate matter usually by bacterial fermentation, and used especially in food and medicine and in industry

First Known Use of LACTIC ACID

Medical Dictionary

lactic acid


Medical Definition of LACTIC ACID

:  a hygroscopic organic acid C3H6O3 that is known in three optically isomeric forms: a or D–lactic acid \ˈdē-\ :  the dextrorotatory form present normally in blood and muscle tissue as a product of the anaerobic metabolism of glucose and glycogen b or L–lactic acid \ˈel-\ :  the levorotatory form obtained by biological fermentation of sucrose c or DL–lactic acid \ˈdē-ˈel-\ :  the racemic form present in food products and made usually by bacterial fermentation (as of whey or raw sugar) but also synthetically, and used chiefly in foods and beverages, in medicine, in tanning and dyeing, and in making esters for use as solvents and plasticizers


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